Believe it or not, the school year is so close to wrapping up! So, you know what that means, it’s time to show our teachers and school staff our appreciation for all the hard work they have put in this year. Showering them with love in late April or early May is a great way help them get over that last hump and finish out the year strong.
Whether you are a PTO/PTA parent member, or just want to show your school staff some love individually, I have printables perfect for the job!
My Teacher & Staff Appreciation Door Hangers have long been a favorite of my customers. This editable template can be used as is, or edited with your school colors and custom snack choices. Simply edit, download, print and cut, then stick one in each staff members mailbox. Ask them to fill out the hanger with their selections and info, then give them a deadline for putting it on their classroom/office door. Collect the responses and deliver their treats a few days later! Such a simple, yet incredibly appreciated, gesture to make your school staff feel special!
Celebrating school staff all week? Create a cute flyer with the schedule of events to hand out the week before so they know what to expect. This editable template is made to match my popular “Meet the Teacher” and “Back to School Open House” flyers.
If you will be giving teachers and staff a goodie bag, I also have a matching gift tag that you can personalize.
Hopefully by now you have downloaded the Teacher’s Favorites printable from the vault, but if not, be sure to do so and give it to your teacher to fill out ahead of time so you can be sure to shower her/him with treats they’ll love!
Not able to find what you are looking for? Let me know and I might be able to create something custom for you! And to all my teacher and school staff readers, THANK YOU for all you do!